pokkeri käed
Pokkeri käed
If you are employed and receive a travel allowance from your employer, you are able reduce your taxable income by claiming a tax deduction for the fuel you bought and maintenance costs https://clifkidskyisthelimit.com/. This quick “Travel tax deduction calculator” calculator shows you how much you can claim.
Retirement annuity contributions are tax deductible in South Africa. That means, you pay less tax when you invest in a retirement annuity. However, are they really worth it for everyone? If you earn R7 500 per month, do you even qualify for any tax deductions? What about if you earn R40 000 per month? What about R100 000?
Why? Contributions to retirement annuities are tax deductible. That means that the amount of money you contribute to your retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. As a result, you pay less tax.
You earn R40 000 per month. You decide to invest R5 000 into a retirement annuity. SARS will not tax you on the R40 000. Instead, you only pay tax on R35 000. The contribution you made to the retirement annuity reduces your taxable income. And you pay less tax.
The deemed cost method allows you to factor in fuel and maintenance costs only if you have paid for them entirely out of your own pocket. If your employer reimburses you for any portion of these expenses, you cannot include that component when calculating your cost per kilometer.
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One niggle: Settembrini misrepresents how OSE handles action declaration in combat. One page 130 of the OSE rules tome, it says spells and movement in melee (i.e. retreats) should be declared. In Moldvay, on B24 (also X24), it says under Defensive Movement „A character who wants to use one of these forms must say so before the initiative roll for the round.“ On X11, under CASTING RESTRICTIONS, it says „The caster must inform the DM that a spell is being cast and which spell will be cast before the initiative dice are rolled.“ In other words, OSE does not add things that aren’t in Moldvay & Cook. In fact, I am pretty sure Norman’s intent was to offer a retroclone that is as close to the original text as possible. I have my own issues with the OSE phenomenon – mainly how it commodifies a hobby that I like most of all as a refuge from consumerist capitalism – but I think this particular jab was ill-informed.
It is our honour to greet a King of the legendary GDW as our guest today: the inventor of Traveller, Marc Miller. We talked with him about the dawn and origins of the game and hobby (including Redmond A. Simonsen & SPI), many luminaries of legendary GDW (Wiseman, the Keiths, John Harshman, Gary Gygax, Frank Chadwick and others ), crypto-fascism in our hobbies and real life, and how small things can have big impact for the positive. Other subjects include the role of D&D in forming both Traveller as well as changing the wargaming scene, Swiss design, font choices, and information presentation. Hosts: hasran, blut_und_glas, settembrini
Well, I’ve noticed some similarities to my current approach, because I actually find myself among those who are trying to contain D&D (albeit less in terms of magic) to keep it on easy-to-navigate terrain…
One niggle: Settembrini misrepresents how OSE handles action declaration in combat. One page 130 of the OSE rules tome, it says spells and movement in melee (i.e. retreats) should be declared. In Moldvay, on B24 (also X24), it says under Defensive Movement „A character who wants to use one of these forms must say so before the initiative roll for the round.“ On X11, under CASTING RESTRICTIONS, it says „The caster must inform the DM that a spell is being cast and which spell will be cast before the initiative dice are rolled.“ In other words, OSE does not add things that aren’t in Moldvay & Cook. In fact, I am pretty sure Norman’s intent was to offer a retroclone that is as close to the original text as possible. I have my own issues with the OSE phenomenon – mainly how it commodifies a hobby that I like most of all as a refuge from consumerist capitalism – but I think this particular jab was ill-informed.
It is our honour to greet a King of the legendary GDW as our guest today: the inventor of Traveller, Marc Miller. We talked with him about the dawn and origins of the game and hobby (including Redmond A. Simonsen & SPI), many luminaries of legendary GDW (Wiseman, the Keiths, John Harshman, Gary Gygax, Frank Chadwick and others ), crypto-fascism in our hobbies and real life, and how small things can have big impact for the positive. Other subjects include the role of D&D in forming both Traveller as well as changing the wargaming scene, Swiss design, font choices, and information presentation. Hosts: hasran, blut_und_glas, settembrini
Well, I’ve noticed some similarities to my current approach, because I actually find myself among those who are trying to contain D&D (albeit less in terms of magic) to keep it on easy-to-navigate terrain…